Why virtualize?
We have reached a generation in business of complete network virtualization. For years, Virtualization was a concept that was unaffordable and only capitalized by elite companies. This forced most businesses to make the financial decision to physically build out their internal network infrastructures and maintain it themselves, whether internally or through an I.T. service provider.
Technology has drastically improved over the last decade. And now, with the continuous outspread of high-speed Internet availability, data security innovations, and the increase of hardware costs around the world, there is no better time to convert an on-premise network environment to NetGreene’s cloud infrastructure – NGCloud.
NGCloud Confidence
The decision to virtualize your business is neither easy nor inexpensive. This is why your business needs to consult with an I.T. engineering firm that has vast experience in designing and hosting virtual infrastructures.
NetGreene has perfected the virtualization process and our engineers have converted businesses in all segments and all sizes, from large medical practices to small accounting firms. Since our very first conversion to even our most recent, not a single NetGreene client has regretted their decision to virtualize with NGCloud.
NGCloud Benefits
In the fast-paced world of business, we can no longer afford to be disconnected. A NGCloud virtualized network will give your business the edge it needs to remain in front of ever-growing market demands. When weighing the price of virtualization, consider these benefits that offset traditional on-premise solutions.
Whether at the office, on the road or in a plane, virtualizing your network will allow you to stay connected to your business 24/7/365. NGCloud’s infrastructure is not only lightning fast, but it will be indistinguishable from your previous on-premise network environment. Connect to the Internet, double-click…and go! You’ll pick back up exactly where you left off at the office.
Reliability is one of the largest concerns when a business is considering virtualization. NetGreene could not agree more. This is why we host NGCloud in an award-winning Tier IV datacenter that provides the most secure and most reliable up-time in the industry. Averaging over 99.999% up-time each year, your virtual network will be housed alongside some of the most successful Fortune 500 companies. jjjj
Instead of purchasing powerhouse computers for your business, convert to inexpensive thin-clients, tablets, or basic PC’s to receive the same powerhouse performance in the cloud. Also, large I.T. support plans and additional data backup services are no longer needed. With all NetGreene NGCloud virtualization plans, unlimited cloud support, anti-virus, and data backup redundancies are included.
NGCloud Data Center’s
Indestructible Design
NGCloud is planted deep inside a Tier 4 rated data center and engineered with full spectrum redundancy. This will completely transform the speed, reliability and security of your server infrastructure. Plus, NetGreene will completely manage and monitor your server environment for you – no more headaches of constant patching, updates, or sustaining hardware. The fact of the matter is, when your on-premise server shuts down, your entire business could shut down. NGCloud is the solution.
* 99.999% Up-time per year
* Trend Micro TippingPoint
* Threat Protection System
* Enough CPU’s to power an entire
city government
* Over 1 TB of Memory
* 46 TB of Enterprise Storage
* 4 Internet Server Providers with
standalone entry point
* 100Gbps network backbone
* Hurricane and tornado-proof facility
* 4 Diesel-Powered Generators
(Enough backup power to fully
operate for 6 months)
* 100% Power SLA
* 150 W/SF power density with 4 UPS systems
* 6MW critical load UPS capacity
* N+1 cooling redundancy with Hot/cold aisle configuration
Trend Micro™ TippingPoint™
The Best Protection
Nothing is more important than the security of your business. With your server infrastructure inside NGCloud, NetGreene utilizes powerful state-of-the-art technology to keep your data protected. xxxxxx
Trend Micro™ TippingPoint™ Threat Protection System (TPS) is a powerful network security platform that delivers comprehensive threat protection against known and undisclosed vulnerabilities with high accuracy.
TippingPoint TPS provides your organization with industry-leading coverage across different threat vectors with extreme flexibility and high performance, keeping you resilient against advanced threats like malware and phishing.
The TippingPoint TPS uses a combination of technologies–including deep packet inspection, threat reputation, URL reputation, and advanced malware analysis on a flow-by-flow basis— to detect and prevent attacks on your network. The TippingPoint TPS enables your teams to take a proactive approach to security, providing you with comprehensive contextual awareness and deeper analysis of network traffic. This complete contextual awareness, combined with the threat intelligence from Trend Micro™ TippingPoint™ Digital Vaccine™ (DV) Threat Intelligence provides the visibility and agility necessary to keep pace with today’s dynamic, evolving enterprise and data center networks.
Key Features
On-Box SSL Inspection
Sophisticated and targeted attacks are increasingly using encryption to evade detection. TippingPoint TPS reduces security blind spots created by encrypted traffic with on-box SSL inspection.
Performance Scalability
TippingPoint TPS includes a scalable deployment model, featuring the industry’s first 100 Gbps next-generation intrusion prevention system with the ability to scale up to 500 Gbps.
Machine Learning
Many security threats are short-lived and constantly evolving. TippingPoint TPS uses statistical models, developed with machine learning techniques, so we can detect and mitigate threats in real time.
Threat Analysis
TippingPoint TPS pre-filters known threats, forwards potential threats for automated sandbox analysis, and remediates in real time upon confirmation of malicious content.
Traffic Inspection
TippingPoint TPS inspects all types of traffic, including asymmetric traffic, and applies security policies to ensure
comprehensive protection.
Agility and Flexibility
TippingPoint TPS embraces software-defined network protection by deploying an intrusion prevention system (IPS) as a service.
Threat Intelligence
Trend Micro™ Research provides cutting-edge threat analysis and security filters that cover an entire vulnerability to protect against all potential attack permutations, not just specific exploits
Virtual Patching
Vulnerability-based filters provides your team with an effective barrier from all attempts to exploit a particular vulnerability at the network level—rather than the end-user level.